Is Italy a flawed democracy?

5 min readNov 1, 2020


Italy has been a democratic republic since 2 June 1946. The current president of Italy is Sergio Mattarella and the current prime minister is Giuseppe Conte. Italy “Between the world wars Italy fell victim to Mussolini half democratic and half authoritative government, even after him, Silvio Berlusconi emerged as a dominant political figure in Italy is also one the most depressing episode happened in Europe over the last decade. Though he was elected through a proper election or Ballot box but because he owns most of the major Private channels, newspapers and reshape the state’s channels in his own image. So, being Italy’s most powerful Media Tycoon somehow roll the dice in his favour. Democracy is not just a matter of an individual casting a vote: it also depends on the ability of the individual voter to access the different positions on offer in a relatively objective and equal way. Berlusconi succeeded to manage distraction of Italian pupil from Economic crisis and divert their attention to local political matter and won the election. Good imagery trough Media helped him sustain four tenures. Since his tenure to current prime minister Giuseppe Conte tenure the same traditional perceived media biasness for a party or candidate is being noted, which create doubt on legitimacy or fairness of election.

In Economist intelligence unit (EIU) 2017’s report Italy was rated as “flawed democracy”. A high notch of disintegration, political and economic instability, short term governments coalition. After world war II Italy has seen 61 governments. EIU also emphasised on how media freedom and freedom of speech are faring in Italy. Italians support their leaders not despite but because he uses the state for his own personal ends. Political figures see the state in same way as many Italians view it: as something to be used and manipulated for their own private interests. Over a century after Italian unification, Italy has failed to create a state that the people regard as legitimate and representative. Or, to put it another way, the Italian state is neither a rogue state, nor a failed state, but a dysfunctional state.

Economic situation of Italy was never too good, but now days it is getting worse day by day specially after the Pandemic episode, in fact facing the deepest recession since second world war. Italy is under the attack of 30% sovereign Debt risk of European Union. An estimated fiscal deficit of 11.6% of GDP in 2020. Among the eurozone’s 19 members, Italy stands out as the one that never fully recovered from the sovereign debt and bank crises.

ITALY GDP chart 2020

Being a part of European Union, Italy is compromising it sovereignty. As EU policies conditions of Free movement of people, enact legislation in Justice and home affairs, common trade policies and so on. So much involvement of European union raise question on sovereignty of Italy.

Italy was the first country from Europe to ban flight to and from china but still the coronavirus wave hit the Italy and got so much worse because people were not following the SOP’s that government had to put lockdown. The lock down of three weeks caused the economic recession in Italy economy.

coronavirus outbreak in Italy

In Transparency International’s (TI) annual surveys, Italy has been declared one of the most corrupted country of Eurozone. Italy was ranked at 51st position out 180 countries by Transparency International’s 2019 Corruption Perception Index. In 2016 in one of court hearing the Judge of Supreme Court of Italy stated that Corruption in Italy is getting worse.

The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Italy was carried out at the Human Rights Council (HRC), Many Member States point out the ongoing gender equality issues, especially on domestic violence and violence against women, discrimination against women in the workplace, and the situation of migrant women. From recent years even though there is significantly progress LGBT rights.

Italy also working on to protect the rights Migrants, every year Italy and other country of Europe give shelter to thousands of refugees from places like Tunisia and underdeveloped regions. The Italian government has cooperated since 2017 with the Libyan government, providing the Libyan coast guard with boats and other means of support to control the flight of refugees. Last year in 2019 22,435 migrants seek asylum in Italy. State respect the diversity of its people, different ethnicity and religion are being practiced. Italy is a secular state. In Italy in 2006 there were 53 million Christians, 4 million Atheists and Agnostics, 1.2 million Muslims, 160,000 Buddhists, 115,000 Hindus, 70,000 Sikhs, 45,000 Jews and 15,000 Pagans.

Libyan Refugees

Though there are some Human rights issues included criminalization of libel, crimes involving violence targeting members of minority groups, and the use of forced or compulsory or child labour. When the European Court of Human Rights in 2015 analysed the human rights situation in Italy, it found a catastrophic system. In fact, in 2015, 2219 cases out of the 9944 cases in which the sentences proclaimed by the European Court for Human Rights were not respected which is 22.3% of the total number by its member Italy.

As mention above the Italian state is neither a scoundrel state, nor a failed state, but a dysfunctional state. Italy fell victim of wrong political leaders; government representors made policies for their own sake and means,” which cause political and economic disbalance in Italy.

